Change is an inevitable part of life and business. However, it’s also a common source of fear and apprehension. Many people are comfortable with their routines and resist alterations to their familiar environments. In this post, we’ll explore why people are afraid of change and offer strategies for overcoming this fear in the workplace.

Why Do People Fear Change?

The fear of change, also known as metathesiophobia, often stems from a few common factors:

  1. Uncertainty: Change brings uncertainty about the future and worries about potential negative outcomes.
  2. Loss of Control: People fear losing control over their environment or routine.
  3. Disruption of Habits: People are creatures of habit, and change can disrupt comforting routines.

Overcoming the Fear of Change

Here at Bloom, we help organizations navigate change effectively. Here are some strategies we employ:

  1. Communicate Clearly: Transparent communication about what the change entails and why it’s necessary can help alleviate uncertainty.
  2. Provide Support: Offer training, resources, and support to help employees adapt to new changes.
  3. Involve Employees: Involving employees in the change process can help them feel more in control and reduce resistance.
  4. Promote a Positive Outlook: Encourage a culture that views change as an opportunity for growth, not a threat.

Fear of change is natural, but it doesn’t have to hinder your organization’s progress. Contact [Your Company] today to learn how we can guide your team through periods of change with confidence and resilience.



  1. Harvard Business Review – Change Is Hard Because People Overestimate the Value of What They Have—and Underestimate the Value of What They May Gain by Giving That Up
  2. Forbes – Leading Change: The Role of the Leader
  3. Gallup – How to Create a Culture That Welcomes Change